Times Of Swaziland: DECEPTION, DISHONEST PROPAGANDA DECEPTION, DISHONEST PROPAGANDA ================================================================================ The Editor on 03/01/2020 08:45:00 Sir, Shame is all that our parliamentarians bring to the once respected kingdom of Eswatini. They are too fast on the use of propaganda and deceptive statements which dishonestly contradict their actions. During Sibusiso’s tenure, no MP ever expressed bankruptcy publicly as an excuse for not ploughing back to the communities that elected them. Last year MPs unanimously, as if planned, told the nation that they were too broke to support elderly people with food parcels. It sounded like the inducted culture of deception and dishonesty among the legislators has since sunk into their everyday vocabulary, like an incurable disease. Recently government, through its ministries of deception, published that there would be no end of year parties within the accustomed government departments. I have it in reliable words that such a statement was another deceptive use words to fool the public into thinking that tight measures were being deployed to restrict government spending. All government departments accustomed to hosting such parties did in fact host those parties. If you can wonder around and ask anybody relevant they will inform you that some ministries’ workers went to a certain lodge to indulge themselves, through government funds, in an end of year party. Dlaminism The Dlaminism phenomenon is another thorn among emaSwati. This translates to Dlamini people treated as though they are superior members of the public. They are given preferential treatment synonymous to the superiority accorded to white people during apartheid in RSA. Yet another propaganda statement was when the prime minister promised the nation that ‘underprivileged’ workers like teachers and nurses would be given a cost-of-living-adjustment. Ministers and MPs promised transport operators that a transport costs hike will be approved this year after a cost of living adjustment for all workers. We shall wait to witness the fulfillment of such promises. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, says my watch. People should know by now that such statements used publicly are deceptive and only meant to stir their unrest to serenity. They never represent the truth in their slightest meaning. Masses The president of SNAT recently ushered us with the truth, where he told the rank and file that they will mobilize workers to take to the streets in masses, this year, to demand cost of living adjustments. That is the only truth and we will support that as workers. Lavish expenditure and irregular prioritisation in government are being exposed everyday and, honestly, nothing tangible is being done to curb such irregularities. The prime minister and Finance minister promised tight measures going forward, from the onset. However, they have failed to reduce the delegations travelling abroad. There are still large numbers travelling abroad. It is shameful to be part of such a country where leaders use evasive means to get their way. It is all talk but no implementation. C M Dluli