Times Of Swaziland: OPEN PRAYER FOR LOCAL PASTORS OPEN PRAYER FOR LOCAL PASTORS ================================================================================ The Editor on 07/01/2020 04:33:00 Sir, May God help us in the new year to love one another as the body of Christ and He the head. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-21; “Neither pray for those alone but for them also which shall believe on the me through their word. That they all may be one, as thou Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that than hast sent me.” My prayer is that God may deal harshly with the spirit of criticism among pastors, as He dealt with Miriam, Aaron and Korah when they criticised Moses. Only satan is the known accuser of saints. Prophecy Please God help us. We are like the sheep which Michai the prophet saw in his prophecy when Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, agreed to go to war against Ramoth-Giliad with Ahab, the King of Israel. Many years past, they criticised the Zionists but now some pastors have no vision. They forget that the good news (gospel) is the birth resurrection, ascension and the return of Jesus Christ. They don’t preach that anymore but money for their good names through church structures. ‘You must bless your father so that your father may speak a blessing onto your lives’. They are only for their bellies and overlook I Timothy 5:8; “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and his worse than an unbeliever.” Ignore They ignore the scripture, God loves a cheerful giver. Our giving is not blessed because it is not from a willing heart but a grieving one which only seeks recognition from the pastor. Judge not for you not to be judged. Remove the log from your eye before you can see clearly the small piece from your brother’s eye. The problem is the sin of jealousy in these pastors’ hearts. They must repent. Oh Lord, I forgot I was praying, please forgive me. Forgive pastors who commit adultery and keep adulterers, drug dealers, car thieves, fornicators, etc in their churches but will not dare talk them for fear they will leave the church with their monies. Gifts Worse, they lack seriously and desperately the gifts of the Holy Spirit ( I Corinthians 12:4-10), gift of knowledge, gift of wisdom, gift of the discernment of spirits, gift of healing, gift of faith, gift of prophecy, gift of tongues and the gift of interpreting tongues. I may add deliverance and miracles. Without these gifts, we will only have buildings and uniform but no manifestations. Jesus once said they followed Him because He had fed them with bread the previous day. They also followed Him to trap Him in His word so they may kill Him but mainly they wanted to see miracles and people in the church are sick and no one is healing them. They are attacked and no one is there to deliver them, prophesy love and forgiveness for their breakthroughs. Manzini