Times Of Swaziland: DON’T KILL YOURSELVES DON’T KILL YOURSELVES ================================================================================ The Editor on 22/01/2020 02:37:00 Sir, It is a norm for all human beings to feel helpless and useless whenever they are engulfed by problems without solutions. They feel like no one understands them, they feel like they are the only ones experiencing the pain and at times they feel like suicide is the only option. Just like the click of the clock of time every situation passes. You should always be grateful if you can still breathe, if you still can walk, if you still can talk and if you can still eat on your own. If you still have family and friends who are willing to come to you and offer emotional support or at times call just to let you know that they are with you in that situation begs for so much gratitude. No situation is permanent, thus it is pointless to take your life over a situation that can be solved but when a life is taken it can never be retained. Challenge As human beings we face many situations that happen to be familiar to one another, and one may be facing a challenge which is unsolved by one and may have been easily solved by another. The first step into solving such challenges is using the communication therapy which is very important and it usually saves a lot of lives. So many people tend not to realize that is a trick that can help solve their unresolved challenges and thus take a precious and appreciated life. People then tend to forget that ever since they were born they faced many challenging situations some seeming to last forever and some seem to be taking their lives but in the end those challenges were either resolved or they passed. Control It is very disheartening to see so many people taking their precious lives due to situations which they believe are beyond their control. Now always consider the fact that if one person was able to overcome that situation, what can stop another human being from passing through that same situation. No situation happens for the first time, as the Bible, in Proverbs, states that what once happened will again happen. Decisions As human beings let us not make permanent decisions over temporary situations, which is why most people like saying ‘kute simo lesingendluli’. Don’t kill yourself, the journey is still long so hold on. Siphiwo