Times Of Swaziland: STAY AT HOME AND SAVE LIVES! STAY AT HOME AND SAVE LIVES! ================================================================================ The Editor on 21/04/2020 06:57:00 Sir, I cringed when I heard the announcement of the extension of the lockdown. To most of us it was unexpected, especially because our government is working tirelessly to fight this pandemic. The speculated atrocious effects of the lockdown apparently are yet to strike. Nonetheless, it is pleasing to know that government is fighting this pandemic with all it has. For another 21 days we have to be immobile. This is more than painful because health without food is not complete. Agony is going to hit hard and some dreadful diseases might take advantage of this opportunity even during this unbearable time. It will even be worse for those who hustle daily to make sure that they put food on the table for their respective families. Reasons Regardless of the endless reasons we put forth against the extension, I believe that the lockdown extension was another brave decision to be implemented by government. First and foremost, we are in lose proximity with South Africa, where cases of COVID-19 positive people are increasing rapidly and they are also working hard to fight this dreadful disease. We really applaud their government for the great effort. We have sisters and brothers who work there hence it would be inconsiderate of us to shove them into the crocodile’s mouth by ending the lockdown. The end of the lockdown would also mean people are at liberty to do as they please and this can cost most people their lives. Would we not be killing the entire nation by doing so? Reality It is a saddening reality that some of us are turning a blind-eye on the rules stipulated for the lockdown. This is because some intentionally and unlawfully wander around without valid reasons. Worse still, people are failing to wash their hands even for 20 seconds. This is really not making sense because if we do not change our attitude towards this pandemic we are all going to die. Everybody should be helping in the fight against this deadly virus. This is not to say people must go around provoking others and cause unnecessary misunderstandings. But if we can make it a point that where ever we reside the people closer to us are observing everything that will eventually leave them not contaminated with the virus at the end, we would have done justice to ourselves. It will be painful after the lockdown to hear that the number of people who have contracted the virus has increased drastically. This is no time to fight each other but rather to come together in the midst of this fight by staying at home. Active Soon or later we need to get the ball rolling. Businesses are on hold, schools and colleges are closed and many other sectors. Streets are empty like there is nobody who once went there. We all need to be active again. Together we can grab hold of this by just doing a little thing, staying at home and save our lives! Finally, let us make God a cuddle buddy through any avenue in this tough journey of life. Not only do we need to pray without ceasing for one another but we also need to pray for other people in other countries. There is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Let us pray and stay at home to save lives. Wakhe Simelane