Times Of Swaziland: ESSENCE OF WOMAN IS MOTHERHOOD ESSENCE OF WOMAN IS MOTHERHOOD ================================================================================ The Editor on 09/07/2020 23:52:00 Sir, God created both men and women. They were created equal in essence. The difference between men and women is found in the makeup of their bodies and the quality of their soul dimension. They may function differently but they are equal in essence and in God’s eyes. Women are powerful influencers and nurturers. Their potential in today’s world is being misunderstood, under used and abused because of the ignorance prevalent in most men about the nature and glory of the female. Struggle The glory of the female is not really being revealed to its maximum because most of the world is kind-of designed for males. This makes most of our women struggle to rise to their full potential in society. Women are intelligent and have the potential of contributing and adding value to societal development. It is a social tragedy to look down upon or abuse women. When we, as men, degrade, look down or abuse women, we show signs of ignorance. The woman that God created is powerful, glorious and an influential being. A woman does not necessarily have to do what men do in order for her to be equal to men; she is already equal to him in essence. We need to understand that God made her different for a purpose. Women are who they are because God had a purpose for them. They are unique in their creative purpose and their fulfillment and effectiveness in society is found in them embracing their uniqueness. Women are great nurturers. Accepted Many of us are now accepted members of society because of the education and training of a mother. The essence of the woman is motherhood as mothers help us grow and develop into responsible citizens. Many of us owe our success in life to a mother who gave up her own dreams just to make sure that we had food on the table and went to school. It is, therefore, appropriate to appreciate our mothers and all women in general for the value they add to society. We must treat our women with worth and integrity, it builds the required confidence in them. Women, we thank you and appreciate you for the value you add to families, societies and the nation as a whole. We are living in times where we are so self-centred, proud and selfish to the point of failing to appreciate our parents, sisters, brothers, friends, colleagues, bosses, subordinates, schoolmates, workmates, teachers etc. We might differ in many ways, but let us learn to appreciate the strengths of those very differences. When we stop oppressing, abusing and looking down upon women, we will begin to benefit from the great potentials, gifts and talents that God has endowed the female with. Ladies arise and begin to value other ladies around you. Do not sabotage your fellow women. No one is perfect, but when people are appreciated, it inspires them to become better citizens. One of the great qualities in a woman is that she has the ability to inspire her husband, brothers and her children to achieve their dreams. To all women, you are not second class humans, you are made in God’s image and you can achieve that which you were created to fulfill. Do not allow opinions of others to imprison the great exploits and destiny you are supposed to fulfill on earth. Charles