Times Of Swaziland: LET US WEAR GOD’S ARMOUR LET US WEAR GOD’S ARMOUR ================================================================================ Editor on 24/08/2020 07:56:00 Sir, I have no vacuum to hold grudges against any creature in the world and it’s best that all the time we respect even the less important person we know. After all, life is a struggle. I hope that everyone is alive, healthy and protected in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. This letter is directed to our beautiful sisters, handsome boys and their parents as Grade VIIs and Form IIIs will be making their way back to school today. It is worth noting that the atrocious and unproductive span of months they have spent at home had rather made their lives bitter. Hopelessness Some had since become engulfed by hopelessness; their dreams were almost shuttered in a nick of time. After all we thank God the Almighty for allowing them to yet again go back to resume their studies. If we can continue pointing fingers regarding all the decisions implemented by government, we will really be like a boat trying to navigate a tarred-road. Our conspiracies with regard to everything are nothing compared to our learners who have almost had this academic year flooded under the bridge. Resuming classes doesn’t necessarily mean COVID-19’s cure has been ascertained, but we want learners to resume lessons because we know that if we have done our part, God is in control of everything. Believing In a nutshell, faith is believing in things we’ve not seen and touched; they are only perceived by our minds. Hence we have faith that all our learners will put on the armour of God. That doesn’t mean that they should not be vigilant in as far as protecting themselves against COVID-19. If we trust in God wholeheartedly, He’ll bring our enemies down. That is why it is of paramount importance for each learner that when he or she goes to school, every day, to ask for God’s protection. If they do, God in heaven will come down to deliver them. This is a must-do! The ascertained truth is that there is absolutely nobody who’s like God; even the sea listens to Him. Not only do we uprightly need to dwell in Him in such trying times but we also need to pray for His deliverance from this pandemic, which is the talk of every continent.