Times Of Swaziland: EDUCATION KEY TO MORTUARY OR SUCCESS? EDUCATION KEY TO MORTUARY OR SUCCESS? ================================================================================ The Editor on 09/09/2020 07:21:00 Sir, Do we still say ‘pictures do not lie’ in the age of photoshop? Some of these phrases need to be updated to suit the times. Look at our government, whoever came up with the ‘education is the key to success’ phrase must be resurrected from the grave to tell our government that the year 2020 disagrees with the phrase. COVID-19 slammed shut offices’ doors and opened wide the mortuary doors. Tell the government that education is still the key but to which door? Mortuary or success ? So last week, the government decided to send primary pupils back to school, grade VIIs to be precise. The decision left me clouded with many questions. Seyiphelileyini iCovid-19 kaNgwane? Noma senilitfolile licebo lekulwanayo? I mean numbers of infected people keep piling up if what our media houses feed us is true. A few weeks ago a renowned gospel artist, Mzwakhe Myeni, headlined the news when he boldly stated ‘akufelofako’. Many felt that it was an insensitive statement, not to mention the fact that it was uttered by a gospel star. People threw stones at him, understandably when one looks at the gloomy situation we find ourselves in, torn, teary-eyed people are committing loved ones to the waiting soil. But is it not what our government is silently saying to us? I am tempted to say thank you Mr Myeni for being bold enough to say what our government shies away from saying yet their actions prove otherwise. Don’t actions speak louder than words? Teaching ‘Education first’ says the very same government that does not take the teaching profession seriously. The very same government that refuses to give teachers what is due to them. If our government really values education that much, it must show by taking care of the engines(teachers) of this marginalised profession of our society, Whose face are we buying? Who are we fooling? We gamble with children’s lives just to prove a point that tsine eveni letfu imfundvo siyihambisa embili? I do not blame those who doubt that COVID-19 is real. The way the government does things raises eyebrows, one cannot help but think that this whole thing is a hoax. It is just a quick money making scheme to enrich cannibalistic cabals. Our 52-year-old independence from England was a token, we are yet to get real independence from the Democratic Republic of South Africa. What good is a government that does not put its people first? What good is a government that does not protect its citizens? What good is a government that takes children from the warmth of the homes, hold their hands into the lion’s den? We are so worried about tomorrow that we forget to live today, what if we do not make it to the tomorrow we are so stressed about. What I mean is that everyone can see that the situation is really bad, why then force things? Or maybe it is because education is a booming business? Lets protect our children, the future of this country rests on them Ngwanelomuhle. Please email: mrmncedi12@gmail.com Mncedi