Times Of Swaziland: DESPICABLE NATIONAL SCOURGE DESPICABLE NATIONAL SCOURGE ================================================================================ The Editor on 03/12/2020 07:00:00 Sir, The bashing and killings of women has become a despicable national scourge. What is happening to women is not funny anymore and has got to be stopped in its tracks. The gory stories we read in newspapers, almost on a daily basis deserve to be condemned in the strongest terms possible. On top of that, it is quite shocking that we have men in our midst who are capable of raping a four-year-old. Even though my somewhat emotional suggestion may be met with contempt from some quarters, I feel castration of such brutes should be considered. Maybe it can cull the testosterone in some males which makes them behave like deranged psychopaths. tongues Meanwhile, it is a well-known fact that the basic strength of women lies on the use of their tongues. But to go to animal predatory lengths, and kill them, is abominable. Without appearing to preempt judgments against the brutal men in our midst, I wish they could all rot in jail with the key thrown deep into the Indian Ocean for the atrocities they commit. For how long will we continue saying enough is enough while this scourge continues? If, as society, we do not act urgently to find a solution and put a stop to these despicable and satanic traits in us the male species, I tell you we will march into the near future minus our female species. Bafowethu, this is not on! I call upon all real men to stand up and be counted and put a stop to this animal behaviour that is destroying this nation. Legacy What legacy, if any, will we leave our male offspring if we will continue to behave like deranged escaped psychopaths from a psychiatric asylum? Anger management needs to be instilled at an early age in our male offspring. We cannot solve disputes by use of any nearby and available weaponry. Yes the SODV Act is there to help curb this scourge, but a national indaba on violence against women is needed and, quite frankly, I am demanding it. Lucky Nxumalo