Times Of Swaziland: POWER OF MALE VOICES POWER OF MALE VOICES ================================================================================ The Editor on 07/12/2020 01:00:00 Sir, Have you ever thought about that wonderful sound that comes out when male voices are singing together? Well I have been thinking how wonderful it would be if men and boys could join the fight against gender based violence in the country and sing in one voice with women and girls and shout ‘enough’ to all forms of inhumane treatment of our mothers, sisters and daughters. I should not be misunderstood as if I’m ignoring abuse and violence against some men and boys, but I am trying to say as men we have no idea about the power of our voices which can be like soothing balm that heals and save lives. Silent Gender-based violence has taken another level in the country and it appears we are too silent as men and the silence is too loud to be ignored. No matter how successful women and girls’ programmes can be, they can address part of the problem. Without intending to, many programmes have put the responsibility of ending violence squarely on the shoulders of women survivors instead of creating programmes that will focus on the men of today and the future. Provoked Most boys think it is okay for a man to beat a woman when he has been provoked. Violence is learned and therefore it can be unlearned. The time to stand up as Eswatini men is now, sing in harmony with those partners that are already fighting the scourge. Let us not make it a women’s issue but we should make it our problem as we have lost our mothers, sisters, friends, daughters and colleagues. You don’t have to participate physically but any form of contribution, be it technical, financial and other form of support you give to the different stakeholders already working to end the scourge. We don’t have to make it the police, God’s or government’s problem. If you have sisters and daughters like me please think hard about this and the time to raise your voice is now. Makama