Times Of Swaziland: WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DESERVE SUCH BRUTALITY? WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DESERVE SUCH BRUTALITY? ================================================================================ Editor on 08/03/2021 09:36:00 Sir, My heart was bleeding when writing this letter. The script was flooded with tears and my soul drowning in sorrow. I wrote this letter because of the demons who call themselves human beings. Men who kill, physically and sexually assault and molest young boys and females are monsters! We already have coronavirus threatening our lives but no that’s not enough for them. Enough is enough; we can’t continue living in fear because of them. Forgive us for being females and forgive young boys for not being able to fight back when you hurt them. Each day I wake up to news of a man having killed, raped or physically assaulted a woman, I feel hate. It is like men are possessed! Rape As if killing women and girls is not enough, they now rape their own gender. We hear of young boys who have been sexually molested by males. Men have become cruel animals. Even referring to them as animals is an understatement. They are evil creatures. What’s wrong with them? What do they really want? To think that women give birth to such demons is heartbreaking. Yes not all males are evil but will you blame us if we lose trust in all men? Evil The evil ones don’t have a mark so we don’t know when the good ones come. What is this world turning into? Immediately after being arrested, you hear of the murderers getting bail or light prison sentences. How on earth do you release someone who stabbed a nurse after she had pleaded with him; ungangibulalil? I am just making an example of the recently murdered nurse. If I were not a Christian, I would be begging the Judiciary to bring back the death sentence so we could send them to hell because that’s where they belong. What have we done to deserve such brutality? No reason is good enough for the excruciating pain men cause us in this life. If women were to revenge for every bad thing and the heartbreak caused by men, this world would be too small to contain the anger we have. Sometimes I think that maybe men are mad because it is said there are more females than males in this world, so they want to reduce our number. But what about the young boys they rape? We are no longer happy because we are not living but surviving. Each day is a struggle as we keep looking over our shoulders. We are suspicious of every male we meet along the streets. Survivors We, the survivors, become hateful with each passing day as we never forget. Even if we can try; how do you forget when you hear about the same thing being done to someone else every day? How do you reach such levels of heartlessness? Kwanele madvodza, kwanele. Sikhatsele, sidziniwe, soneni kantsi? We can’t breathe! We cannot continue living in fear. If only you can tell us what you want maybe, just maybe we can come to an agreement. Because we really have no idea what you want from us.