Times Of Swaziland: ASTRAZENECA APPROVED AS SAFE, EFFECTIVE ASTRAZENECA APPROVED AS SAFE, EFFECTIVE ================================================================================ Editor on 25/03/2021 08:07:00 Sir, The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been frontline news over allegations of causing blood clots; headline news on all channels and in the newspapers. Fifty two million people have been vaccinated in Europe with this vaccine and 36 of them developed blood clots and one person died. However, 17 European nations suspended the jab. On February 8, this year, after 41 million Americans had been vaccinated, the New York Times published a story on blood clots, where 37 people had developed clots and one had died. Suspend They had all received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Did this make worldwide headline news? Did nations across the globe suspend the rollout? Did we hear about this? No. So why? This is because the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is being produced as a not for profit model with 67 per cent of its supply being held for developing nations, which means that the big pharmaceutical companies are losing money if countries use this vaccine. Appeared The scientists at Oxford have been working on coronavirus vaccines for 20 years, ever since they first appeared in the early 1990s. Within 48 hours of the COVID-19 genome sequence being published, they had their vaccine ready. Oxford started talking to the pharmaceutical companies to find a partner who would produce the vaccine in a corporate and socially responsible manner. AstraZeneca was that company. In America, 900 000 people will suffer from a blood clot on average, but if you Google blood clots right now, all the stories are about AstraZeneca. Oxford AstraZeneca has been approved by medical agencies across the world as safe and effective, so please do not be fooled into buying more expensive vaccines made for profit or thinking that ‘there must be something wrong with this vaccine’. There isn’t. This is about money and unfortunately, in our world, it’s always about money.