Times Of Swaziland: ESWATINI IS BLEEDING WITHOUT CEASING ESWATINI IS BLEEDING WITHOUT CEASING ================================================================================ The Editor on 30/03/2021 07:59:00 Sir, The people of Eswatini are twisting and turning piteously in subdued pain. There is an unvoiced gnashing of teeth and a bitter forbearance, denuded, ridiculed and swindled on all fronts by an elaborated presence of nationhood to its detriment for far too long. The nation’s gifted youth has been forced to scavenge around the fringes of morality and legality. This is because they find themselves in a system that excludes them from their supposedly fellow citizens. There is an unnamed fear and semi-uncertain confusion in the country. There is also a semi-trembling presence that is real. It is as if there is always some creeping unexplainable, yet ever present but clearly unhealthy quivering of political and economic nerves. Inadequaces Perplexity walks the land and with bold intimidating steps. This leaves me wondering when things will actually look up for Eswatini. Are we going to lament these inadequacies forever? When will respite come? When are we going to rest? Each time I sit back to ruminate on where Eswatini is and where she is supposed to be, my heart becomes giddy and melancholic. I am left wondering what has really gone wrong with a once beautiful and lovely country. At times the way we conduct ourselves towards each other is unbecoming, wicked and insensible. Nobody needs to tell us that the country is sick. Then you ask; where are the beautiful and altruistic ideas for which emaSwati were once known for? Why have we allowed ourselves to be used by satan and his agents to perpetrate evil against our own people? Where have all the politicians gone? Yes some of them are dead, but can’t we produce them in some, if not, all of us? Opportunists Rather, what we have today are mainly opportunists, acquisitions who have no place in public service. Where are all the men and women of good conscience, whose presence inspired hope to others? They walked the entire political spectra of this country spreading the good news of national unity without fear or shame. Unfortunately their successors have squandered our common patrimony and left all of us desolate and disheartened. Those who govern us today do so with little care or love. The oath of office and allegiance administered on them on the day of their inauguration no longer means anything to them. Instead of serving people as they pledged, the people now fight for the crumbs that fall from their table. God please cleanse our nation of the evil men and women who have vowed to destroy it and our people. They treat Eswatini and all that is in it like a leprous entity.