Times Of Swaziland: NATION DROWNING IN IMMORALITY NATION DROWNING IN IMMORALITY ================================================================================ Editor on 31/03/2021 08:12:00 Sir, A deluge of horror stories and events has the tendency to numb and inevitably desensitize a society to the point it is no longer alarmed and shocked by their occurrences that, in time, become a new normal. The question is; has Eswatini reached this saturation point in which the collective conscience of the nation has been numbed and desensitised by the regularity with which violence and other atrocities that are committed by and against fellow citizens? Yes, almost on a daily basis we wake up to news headlines of gruesome murders and incestuous sexual congresses committed across the nation to a degree that it has become impossible to separate humans from animals. Fear Whereas in the past one used to fear walking in the dark because of animals but today one fears doing so because of fellow humans. One is not safe even in the sanctuary that is home as there are increasing instances in which people are robbed or abducted from the safety of their homes to be murdered elsewhere. There is now a very thin line between living in a warm and secured environment called home and the cold and danger of the bush. The situation is not helped by a stuttering police service that is no longer serving and protecting the innocent but rather in dealing with so-called political opponents of the country’s political system while protecting the elite. The violence and immorality that is threatening to redefine emaSwati given the regularity and casual manner the violent murders of people, rape even by children, armed robberies and crimes of passion has put into perspective the narrative of this being a peaceful nation. To what can be attributed the loss of respect for life and moral values? The spectre of violence and general degeneration definitely has to do with moral decay in our society. This can be attributed to many factors, the most central of these being social as mirrored by the progressive but systematic disintegration of the family, which when it subsisted a child used to belong to the village and not just its parents.