Times Of Swaziland: PLIGHT OF THE ELDERLY PLIGHT OF THE ELDERLY ================================================================================ The Editor on 20/07/2021 08:12:00 Sir, Government deserves praise for making sure that despite the unrest the country is encountering, the elderly received their grants. As small as it is, it would have been a disaster if they were not going to be paid. The grant alone, however, will not help the elderly if government continues to fail to provide adequate healthcare and other social services. A majority of the elderly are suffering and are in need of constant medication and drugs. Failing If government is failing to provide such in public healthcare facilities, how are they expected to cope with their various ailments? I am pretty sure that some of them contributed to the economy of this country and deserve to be properly cared for. During their time they never ran down the economy and hospitals always had drugs and the necessary tools to provide adequate healthcare services. They, therefore, do not deserve to suffer for the wrong decisions of their predecessors when they are already vulnerable. The untruths being told by those in government that there is no drugs shortage in hospitals will never solve the problem and the elderly will continue suffering. They cannot afford to source the drugs from private pharmacies with the little grants they are getting. Risk Even if they would risk using their little grant to get the drugs, how will they get to the pharmacies as most pharmacies are in towns? Travelling for the elderly is a challenge and it will take time for them to reach the waiting rooms where they can get transport to towns. If they happen to reach the waiting rooms, our transport system never caters for them and government is ignoring that. The elderly also have a right to move from one place to another and government must assist them to enjoy that right. Yes there is a lot of good that government is doing for the elderly but it is not enough. They deserve better than what is being done for them right now and we hope the new prime minister will change that, as they really do deserve better.