Times Of Swaziland: CHANGE YOUR MINDSET AND LIFE WILL IMPROVE DRASTICALLY CHANGE YOUR MINDSET AND LIFE WILL IMPROVE DRASTICALLY ================================================================================ Editor on 06/10/2021 07:58:00 Sir, I have observed people who desperately want to change their circumstances, but will not change their mindset. What they do not realise is that it was their mindset that created the circumstances they are in. Let’s look at the employee who believes he should do less than the minimum because he feels he is being terribly underpaid by his employer. This employee misses out on enjoying the privilege afforded to him which has been deprived many who would feel blessed if they could have secured the said post and had something to do daily. Improve That employee also learns nothing for he has no desire to improve himself. Someone who drags themselves about all day and seeks ways to either steal from or cheat the employer loses out on the possibility of receiving an increment as most of the turnover in the business goes towards replacing whatever has been stolen, therefore, leaving no surplus for the employer to consider granting the worker an increment. In their minds, they have evil thoughts about the employer throughout the day and it is not unusual to hear them utter derogatory remarks under their breath in a manner that cannot be heard by the employer; for these have become masters of all that ensures their every move towards prosperity is blocked. These sorts of people tend to be rebellious not only in the work environment, but also in their personal lives. Everybody and somebody else just seems to know which buttons to press to wind such people up. Dangers They adore terms such as ‘ungenaphi’ even when the speaker is minding out for them, by making them aware of the dangers of the circumstances prevalent in their immediate vicinity. It is not that the public at large is targeting these – it is simply that the laws of the universe are simple – we only attract that which we are. If we are irritable, we meet other irritable people; if we are angry, we meet angry people. Because one has a negative mindset it is, therefore, impossible for one’s circumstances to change for the negativity seeps into all areas of one’s life and is not restricted to the workplace. These vocalise only the things that they do not want or like. They are not good conversationalists because, firstly, listening is an art; if one cannot listen to what is being said, how can one then carry on an in-depth discussion? Reason They know it all so there is no reason to increase their knowledge by reading or watching documentaries to improve. They rarely, if ever, pass compliments and, therefore, never receive any; also, they never thank others for assisting them for they believe it is insignificant leading to many who are mindful tapping into their energy and electing not to assist them. This is simply karma giving them what they deserve – they dislike assisting others why should anyone assist them? It is, therefore, this mindset that daily recreates the very same scenarios in their lives and the result is that their circumstances cannot improve, unless they change their mindset, habits and daily practices. If you want to change your circumstances, change yourself and your life will improve drastically.