Times Of Swaziland: WHERE IS COVID-19 TAKING EDUCATION? WHERE IS COVID-19 TAKING EDUCATION? ================================================================================ Editor on 25/10/2021 08:12:00 Sir, Where is the COVID-19 pandemic taking education and what does it mean for the future of traditional teaching methods’? It is fair to say the year is almost over... well at least for most industries. What has been apparent is the fact that a major shift in methods is apparent as is the loss of some professions. Those who will adapt will thrive, while some will be created as a result of the virus. Adaptation has always been man’s best friend and now, more than ever, the power of group thinking has been highlighted. Island They say no man is an island – that is to say no one person can discount the value of other people’s skills and advice. It is entirely amazing how one can see things being done differently by people on a daily basis, leaving you with the ‘how did I not think of that’ feeling. Following the right channels on social media and subscribing to those who you better align yourself with makes a world of difference. The advent of social media has significantly made things simpler and easier. Although the dangers remain pretty much more or less the same; one thing is for sure, you will always get what you are looking for. Acquire Wanting something and looking for something are different things. You may want something yet not take the necessary steps to acquire it. You can only imagine then what teachers and pupils have been up to lately. Since we are almost all connected it is fair to say some teachers have been up to no good with the pupils just as much as other teachers have been actively pursuing ways to change the course of education. This entails moving out of the classroom entirely and taking shorter courses that are affixed to a child’s intellect, thus providing them with skills necessary to survive, for that is life really. Community It also means community-based education, as travelling to and fro spreads COVID-19, meaning we might have community fairs about best produce, technological advancements and what not. It means all that we have done in the name of development might need to be reversed. Although we may not sit in a hole and hide from life’s daily tragedies, it does mean everything we have known and been taught were all just a screen to hide our true worth. As for the abuse on women and children, do we not put unnecessary pressure on ourselves by wanting designer clothing and other material stuff including sending children to schools where they’ll attend a third of classes due to lack of fees. Although the idea is good – as we know private schools have life-long networking programmes – the psychological and physiological trauma that a child will face will scar them for life all because you want to brag to your friends. Children should be involved in these discussions and proper risk management practised so everyone is on the same page. Pressure Not telling our children about peer pressure, violence, ethnicity, slavery, depression, mental breakdown, social status syndrome, oppression, corruption, good and bad debt will only fuel the flames of frustrations about what we know and should have known to spill over to others. It begins by not sharing real life situations with your children; because, by the time they learn as adults, they’ll be knee-deep in debt, living from hand to mouth, chasing another person’s idea so they continue the cycle of ‘lessness’. Yet somehow life is about happiness; all else is a bonus.