Times Of Swaziland: SYSTEM RESPONSIBLE FOR SOCIALS ILLS SYSTEM RESPONSIBLE FOR SOCIALS ILLS ================================================================================ Editor on 28/10/2021 08:23:00 Sir, If there is no change in the way this country is governed, then the prognosis is a very gloomy one for the future of the Kingdom of Eswatini, whose potential is being sacrificed by an apparent lack of human capacity and a mindset starved of scholarship, ideas and innovation, as amply mirrored by the country’s retrogressive and suicidal political system. If we allow things to continue as normal, there is no chance that this system can address the multiple challenges of a dysfunctional healthcare system, a perennially constricting economy, ever increasing unemployment, deepening poverty, rocketing criminal activity and structural as well as institutional corruption. Monopolised The fact that after 53 years of independence this country, measuring approximately 17 000 square kilometres with a population of about 1.2 million people, is still outsourcing its electricity power externally is an indictment of those who have monopolised political power as well as the obtaining political system. Development The failure to prioritise electricity power generation, which is the primary vehicle for economic and human development, speaks volumes about the mindsets of the governing minority, who have arrogated to themselves the right to think and speak for the people in perpetuity. Over the years, our government has failed to at least suspend money-draining capital projects until such time that the economy is in good shape or government’s cash-flow challenges have improved. And this has contributed to the healthcare sector being ineffective, such that it has continuously run out of the necessary medication. And this is one of the many reasons the people of this country are fed up with the way things are being done in this country. The system of governance is responsible for all the social ills afflicting the nation. Change If things do not change for the better, the plunder by the haves while the have-nots suffer will get worse. And this seems to be in sync with Frederic Bastiat when he wrote: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Regrettably, that realm Bastiat was referring to is upon us in this kingdom.