Times Of Swaziland: TIME TO TAKE ACTION TO SAVE OUR PLANET TIME TO TAKE ACTION TO SAVE OUR PLANET ================================================================================ Editor on 05/04/2022 08:07:00 Sir, It has dawned on me that clean-up campaigns have somehow become the full responsibility of companies, organisations and government, instead of us civilians who are partly to blame for the litter and pollution in this beautiful kingdom. There is absolutely no sense of urgency in this country and that will be our downfall. For years we have been bombarded with information and news on climate change and stories on the depleting Ozone layer to ravaging storms. Confusing Climate change has been an ongoing process that has unfortunately led to one of the most confusing seasons we’ve ever experienced and will eventually lead to the demise of this planet. Clean-up campaigns are a concept that is trying to save us from a ticking time bomb, but no one seems to be taking it seriously. Climate change is the direct result of a depleting environment, and with all the garbage we see on the streets, we ought to be the leaders of clean-up campaigns because we need them. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no commitment from the majority of emaSwati. The streets and living areas in some parts of this country are littered with garbage and it doesn’t seem to be an immediate concern for some. Blame I am also partly to blame as a citizen of this beautiful kingdom, my lack of assertiveness when addressing someone who’s littering, my fear of being ridiculed when suggesting to neighbours a clean-up exercise around our compound and my ‘don’t care’ attitude when walking along the streets of Mbabane not picking up the litter along the way. These things show that I’m also contributing to the problem and it’s a sight for sore eyes. We are quick to prophesy doom but we never take the initiative of solving the problem or coming up with suggestions that could help ease the process. It’s not as hard as it looks, we could all start by taking that five or less minute walk to the nearest designated dumping site and throw our trash there instead of the nearest bush or river. We need radical protestors to start focusing all that energy on picking up litter around town, I mean preserving the planet is a cause to die for too. I always cringe at the fact that there are still individuals who blatantly throw out trash from their car windows with absolutely no remorse. Disturbing This is disturbing to say the least, but it further fuels the fire within me concerning this topic, and enough is enough. No more will I sit by and watch our planet die, it’s time we took action, let us commit ourselves to taking action. If I cannot attend a scheduled clean-up campaign then I will clean my own yard or better yet, volunteer to take my neighbour’s trash to the designated dumping site instead of discarding it recklessly like the individuals who discard diapers almost everywhere. I’m not going to let ignorance be bliss and lay idle, and I suggest you join me.