Times Of Swaziland: CRITICISING OFFERS NO SOLUTION CRITICISING OFFERS NO SOLUTION ================================================================================ Editor on 02/12/2022 08:19:00 Sir, While God has allowed us to be in positions of influence, let us learn how to deal with pressing and important issues that will put our nation on the right track. If today’s plans and intentions are not followed up with positive and coordinated action, they will end up being merely a heap of unfulfilled dreams. I believe the turning point could be when we begin to realise that we can start with what we already have. The problem with most of us is that we prefer looking at what others have. Difference We always think that the little we have cannot make a difference. We actually have human resources, gifted and talented people. Let us create a conducive country for gifted people to maximise their gifts and talents. Innovation and creativity should be encouraged. We must also create a conducive environment for our businesspeople and professionals to operate freely so that the nation can benefit from them. We have natural resources and land that could be used for agricultural produce. We should not despise the resources we have in the form of human resources, natural resources and mineral resources. In order for us to maximise these resources, we must embrace the spirit of unity and work together. Relate Life is about relationships, it is about how we relate with each other. The country’s success, happiness and fulfilment will greatly depend on our ability to relate effectively with each other at family, community, professional, business and national level. It will take a coordinated effort to transform this nation into First World status. There is a difference between criticising and critiquing. Criticising usually offers no solution, yet critiquing looks at the negative situation and sees opportunities for progress. The task for national change is not going to be accomplished by government alone. We must be united, we must work together. With focus and consistence, the dream for a better Eswatini can be achieved.