Times Of Swaziland: THERE IS POWER IN HUMILITY THERE IS POWER IN HUMILITY ================================================================================ Editor on 11/12/2022 07:01:00 Madam, Pride comes before the fall, pride comes before the fall. Many a great man has fallen because of pride; many a great leader has fallen because of pride. Many an anointed servant of God has fallen because of pride, Lucifer the covering cherub fell because of pride. Men have been put in position of power; pride set in resulting in their fall. God has blessed people with certain gifts for His own Glory, pride, however, set in. These people appropriated God's glory for themselves, thus they fell. Because of earthly wealth many are proud, how the mighty have fallen because of pride. In the Bible Nebuchadnezzar fell because of pride, Haman fell because of pride. Today many suffer because of spiritual pride, spiritual pride in so called ‘apostles’ and ‘prophets’. Self promotion in pursuit of reputation, influence and success is evident in most ministry leaders. Many have fallen. Pride comes before the fall, pride comes before the fall! Many should learn the power in humility, yes, there is power in humility.