Times Of Swaziland: GOD AND CONSERVATIVES GOD AND CONSERVATIVES ================================================================================ Editor on 14/12/2022 08:42:00 Sir, I have been reading some letters of human rights advocates in your newspaper, with some lambasting those who have a conservative view of life in this world and thus holding a line of the scriptures of God in the Holy Bible. Basic human rights exist and are given by God in the scriptures. God created man and woman by first detailing each one’s purpose in His plan, Genesis 1: 26; 2: 18. The words man and woman in the Bible, and for us who fear and believe in God, do equate to male and female in meaning, which human rights proponents are ignorant of, Genesis 1: 27 (read it well). There is a difference between a conservative and a traditionalist or nationalists although if care is not applied, people mistake them. I want to show people of this world that God does not change, Numbers 23: 19, 1 Samuel 15: 19; James 1: 17 but human rights beings who stray away from the scriptures do change, but what He said at the beginning about any life matter stands forever. Conservatives are part of mankind who know and acknowledge that God created mankind, both man and woman. Human beings are those who are informed by science and this world. This world is controlled by satan, 2 Corinthians 4: 4; 1 John 5: 19 and Revelation 12: 9. You only escape satan by sticking to God through what the Word says. Human rights and progressive advocates live on hatred towards God and the Lord Jesus Christ and all who stick by the scriptures. They tend to bully and dictate their agenda. Chance They force their inclinations on society. They don’t give society a chance to vote on their issues but they resolve to go to courts to seek redress. They love no country or nation but are out to pollute, yet conservatives love their country and seek to defend its origins and ways. We have nationalists who tend to be racist and discriminative, but conservatives defend the ways of God in society in the political sphere. We fight laws which are ungodly, Jude 15. Human rights activists take things to the extremes and deny God and the fundamentals of natural law. Most human rights are about legalising sin; just think of this one; the abortion right which women fight for in the USA. Why engage in sex that leads to pregnancy and then want your abortion to be constitutional. If you don’t want to be pregnant, follow preventive measures since you are sexually active. Yes that is your body, but why subject it to the gruesome act of abortion? To fight and seek to force abortion into the constitution is pure evil; it is the same as wanting to legalise same sex marriages. This is trampling on natural law and forcing the country to put it under its name. That is the law of Eve; eat Adam, I have eaten; which is what the West is forcing other nations to do. One has been left appalled by the hypocrisy of the West who carried the message of the scriptures across the nations but now they are vehemently advocating against the same Bible beliefs which are inspired by God. There is one God and He is the way and the truth and the life, John 14: 6.