Times Of Swaziland: IN LIFE YOU CAN NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE IN LIFE YOU CAN NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE ================================================================================ Editor on 29/02/2024 08:18:00 Sir, Life is full of adventurous curves, mountains and valley experiences. Therefore, all of us must learn the art of navigating around different forms of negative human behaviours and personalities. Human being possesses both good and bad qualities. Some people are easy to get along with, while others are difficult to relate with. It’s imperative for one to know certain things about people in order to survive and rise above human sabotage and conspiracy. Be careful of deeply and compulsively selfish people and keep your boundaries clear such people. They will always take and add nothing in return to your life. Insensitive Selfish people are usually rigid, intolerant and insensitive to other people’s feelings. They usually have a false and fake personality rooted in hypocrisy and disloyalty. People who are pretenders are usually also full of lies, exaggerations and disloyalty. A pretender possesses the spirit of a killer. They kill other people’s reputations, dreams and visions through betrayal, false accusations and lies. Once in a while in life you will come across such people. It is, therefore, important to be very careful about certain people, especially those who possess characteristics of selfishness and pretentiousness. Life is too short to play games with people who are not serious about meaningful effective relationships. We must never allow people’s actions or words control our lives. People have the right to talk or behave in whatever way they want to but never give people the right to define you or control the joy levels in your life. Anger and bitterness should never be allowed to grow deep roots in our lives. Navigate How then does one navigate around negative human behaviour? We must cultivate a loving, kind and tender-hearted lifestyle. Out of the heart of love, comes forgiveness. We must learn to forgive people and move on. To forgive is to decide to withdraw the charges against the other person even when you do not feel like it. It is a decision, not a feeling. To forgive does not necessarily mean that you’re obliged to keep those kinds of people in your inner circle of friends. Forgiveness opens the door for healing to take place in your inner life. Unforgiveness creates an atmosphere for bitterness and anger to continue growing. Anger and bitterness are energy zappers and focus killers. Bitterness causes confusion in one’s life. Confusion is defined as, “A mental state characterised by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behaviour.” Confusion We must never allow other people’s actions or talking bring confusion in our lives. Never move away from your God-ordained path of destiny because of how people treat you or what they say about you. We must always stay focused on things that matter and are important for progress. Navigating around negative or toxic people requires focusing on your purpose, calling and destiny. All of us are pregnant with a unique identity, personality, purpose, gifts and destiny. We must, therefore, spend me-time and energy watering and cultivating the seed of our destiny instead of focusing on the opinions of people about us. Know that in life, you will never please everybody, no matter how much you try to compromise and accommodate everybody. Always remain faithful to who you are, your purpose, your calling, your gift and your destiny. Stay in the rhythm of champions.