Times Of Swaziland: BROTHER ENIGMA MUST STICK TO THE WORD BROTHER ENIGMA MUST STICK TO THE WORD ================================================================================ Editor on 09/10/2024 07:45:00 Sir, Brother Enigma has really confused the world more than shedding clarity on faith and worship. I do not want to condemn him or throw shade on his beliefs and the vision he had, but I want us to return to the proclamation of the Word of God. Brother Enigma claims to be speaking these things because he had a vision and Jesus spoke all these things to him. He told him that Senzo Meyiwa is kicking human heads in heaven; that some churches and believers will not see the Kingdom of God. He then speaks of things such as dress code and names people that will not enter the Kingdom of God. In fact, he speaks like we are no longer living in the era of grace, where God can still forgive people if they repent. There are some things that he speaks which I have reason to believe are true, but several other things are questionable. The Word of God says, in John 17:17, we find Jesus praying and saying: “Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth.” This means we are to take everything that is being said by people and contrast it with the Word of God, as it is the one that must sanctify us. Quotations Brother Enigma must make relevant Bible quotations for everything he says, so that we can understand it in the context of the Word. He also said that Jesus would come in three days, something that did not happen, which makes one doubt some of the things he says. Jesus warned us that people would come proclaiming this and that, but we must discern the spirit, so that we are not taken for a ride. I believe that Brother Enigma is a true Christian, but he needs to ask God to give him clarity on the revelations that he gets before going public about them, otherwise he risks confusing a lot of people. Condemned When he started this whole teaching, he condemned going to the gym, saying it exposes people to demons. I believe that demons can also be found in workplaces, roads, families and even churches. Why is he targeting the gym? Some of these demons are even found in the phones that we carry. I guess very soon, he will warn us to shut down the phones and television sets. We must make believers spiritually strong so that they can withstand the wiles of the devil. Pastor PJ