Times Of Swaziland: NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU ================================================================================ Editor on 26/11/2024 07:49:00 Sir, I would like to begin with a reality that may not be pleasant to hear which is, ‘nobody is coming to save you’. Not your friends, not your family, not society, not the government; no one. The responsibility to do something with your life and to deal with the hardships inherented in existence, rests on your shoulders alone. The first step in recognising that no one is coming to save you is to understand deeply that the responsibility of your life, every bit of it, lies squarely on your shoulders. It is you who must face each day and decide what to do with it, while living with the consequences of those choices. Demands Fully accepting this can be frightening, especially because it demands that we abandon the comfortable notion that someone else will step in when things go wrong. You have to let go of the idea that someone will fix your problems and protect you from what is painful. The fundamental truth is that everyone has challenges and moments of isolation. While most people decide to stay trapped in their calamities others climb out. Taking responsibility for your life is not just a mental exercise that you say once and have it magically rooted in your life. Instead, it is a living, breathing commitment that unfolds every day. It is an ongoing realisation that your choices shape your life and understanding that when you take action or don’t take action, you will reap the benefits or suffer the costs. Blaming Blaming others and seeking external reasons for why life is hard is always easy. ‘The system is unfair’ ‘my family is holding me back’ ‘and the world is against me’. These can all feel like comforting explanations. However, while they may sometimes contain elements of truth, they do not change the fact that regardless of circumstances, your life is still your responsibility. No matter what others have done or how things may seem stacked against you, you are the one who has to ultimately rise up and push forward. When you take full responsibility of your life, you stop being a victim of your circumstance. Releasing the belief that someone holds the keys to your success and happiness, you free yourself from the sense of helplessness that so often plagues people. Each and every one of us, as the youth, has the power to grow and reshape the world. Our individualistic goals make us distinct. You don’t have to worry about someone stealing your dream because it is yours alone. One thing that has always struck me, is why there are only a few eagles in the sky. This was until I discovered that the life cycle of the eagle is daunting. In a certain season it has to isolate itself in a cave, it then has to pluck out every feather from its wings using its beak to give space for new ones to emerge. Process As if that is not enough, the eagle then has to smash its beak on solid rock until it shatters, to give way for a new one. This process is painful, lonely and bloody. Most eagles don’t make it out alive, that is why there’s only a few eagles in the sky. The same applies to our lives, we must take responsibility of our lives. As the primary authors of our lives, it is important to know that we are the sum total of all the decisions we make every day. A person who wakes up and decides to fix cars is a mechanic, one who decides to go to school every day is a student and someone who decides to buy a few bottles every day is an alcoholic. Siyandasive Zwane