Times Of Swaziland: SAY NO TO BULLYING SAY NO TO BULLYING ================================================================================ Kunene Nelile on 04/02/2025 08:06:00 Sir, It’s always great to see a fresh flock of pupils heading to school at the beginning of every school year; each child filled with a bunch of dreams and aspirations for their short, precious lives. All my school life, I heard the words, ‘Education is the key’ about a thousand times and now I look at school-going children and wonder just how many times they, too, will get to hear them. I wonder if they are actually going to take their education seriously or not; if their various learning environments will allow for them to fulfil their dreams and goals in life; if they’ll choose the right friends, make the right decisions . . . learn from their mistakes because as they say, ‘To err is human.’ So, even if we walk down the wrong paths every now and then, it is always great to ensure you find the right ones, eventually. Best We look at all these young souls heading to school for the first time or for their third or 10th year and we wish them nothing but the best. The best of wisdom; fulfilment of their goals and fruitful lives. Remind We would like to remind teachers as well that they have quite important jobs – the job of teaching and helping so many children reach for their goals and become the people they see every time they look in the mirror or close their eyes to sleep. Let us not use our power as teachers to assume the role of being bullies. Right Being a teacher does not give anyone the right to bully children who cannot even stand up for themselves because they are young, fear they will dismally fail your class if they do or even have absolutely no one to report the bullying to. At least no one who can do much about it. Teachers ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Teachers are a part of that village. They spend about eight hours with high school children on a daily basis, six with primary school children and four with kindergarteners. That is a tremendously long time to spend with someone and it is close to impossible to not leave an impact on their life – either consciously or unmindfully. I have never forgotten any of the teachers who took their jobs seriously and inspired us to reach great heights in life – just like I never forgot those who assumed the role of being bullies and abused their power. Choices So, dear teachers, of all the choices you get to make today, choose to be the kind of teacher who will be remembered as one who nudged their students towards the right direction. Say NO to bullying and abuse of power. And, dear pupils, choose to be the kind of pupils who balances being a child with being someone who knows or at least has a clue why their parents or guardians work as hard as they do to ensure they get an education.