Times Of Swaziland: Meet Temusa the Waterford SRC Student Outreach Officer Meet Temusa the Waterford SRC Student Outreach Officer ================================================================================ BY ZWELIHLE SUKATI on 03/08/2013 02:08:00 She is Waterford KaMhlaba’s IB 1 student and the institution’s SRC Student Outreach Officer. She represented Waterford during the successfully held 6th annual Swaziland Careers Fair that drew hundres of high school pupils from schools around the country. The Career Fair is courtesy of Waterford United World College of Southern Africa’s Career Support Initiative. This is none other than the 18 year-old Temusa Rukundo of Dalriach, Mbabane. Temusa has big dreams and says she is considering either Economics or Financial Management as her chosen career path. Gcwala was down at the Royal Swazi Convention Centre on Wednesday during the Swaziland 6th Annual Swa-ziland Careers Fair. Support Temusa was in the company of her colleagues in Salha Hillal who is an IB 2 student and Career Support Initiative Member and Tandza Simelane also from Water-ford as she settled for the interview. “I like to think of myself as an intellectual, God fearing somebody and a people’s person,” she told Gcwala. “I did my primary at Usuthu Forest Primary School before I went to Waterford Kamhlaba where I am currently pursuing my IB course,” she opened up. As she was busy on the day before the start of the Fair Temusa disclosed her role in the event. “I am not part of the Career Support Initiative (CSI) but I’m Waterford SRC Student Outreach Officer and therefore I am here to represent Waterford. Ambitious Below is how the interview went with the young energetic Temusa who is no doubt a role model to many of her peers. She is also an ambitious young lady with brains. Her favourite subjects are Economics and Maths. “Surprisingly, I do not have a specific role model. I just aspire to be the best I can be,” she says. Read on what Temusa had to share with us: Gcwala: How best can you describe yourself? Temusa: People’s person, intellectual and God fearing. Gcwala: Where do you live? Temusa: Dalriach, Mbabane. Gcwala: Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Temusa: Hopefully Georgetown University in the US. Gcwala: Briefly give us your educational background. Temusa: I did my primary school at Usutu Forest Primary School and my high school at Waterford Kamhlaba UWC. Last year I enrolled for my IB. Gcwala: Who is your role model? Temusa: I don’t have a specific role model; I just aspire to be the best that I can be. Gcwala: Tell us, briefly about your participation at Swaziland Career Fair? Temusa: Actually, I’m Waterford’s SRC Student Outreach Officer and therefore I was there to represent Water-ford. Gcwala: Are you a religious person? Temusa: Yes. I am a Christian. Gcwala: What defines success to you? Temusa: Being at the position where you feel you have worked your hardest and achieved all your goals, but most importantly the point where you’re content with your success. Gcwala: What is your dream career? Temusa: Economics or Financial Management. Gcwala: … and why? Temusa: Because it is something I have grown to have a keen eye for. Gcwala: Your fav-ourite subjects at school? Temusa: Economics and Maths. Gcwala: What would be your best advice to school leavers in as far as their careers are concerned? Temusa: My advice would be; know your strengths and work with that. Being good at anything will always motivate you, therefore you should aim past the sky because it is not the limit. Anything is possible with drive and motivation.