Times Of Swaziland: Qalakaliboli insulted the nation Qalakaliboli insulted the nation ================================================================================ The editor on 25/08/2013 04:46:00 Sir, I feel for the poor lady Mana Mavimbela who has been ‘brutalised’ by Qalakaliboli Dlamini. This is typical of Swazi men who are abusive yet they claim to be civilised and educated. Mr Editor, it also worries me that you did not protect the poor girl from being humiliated by this so-called educated man. I think he is abusing the platform given to him by the Times SUNDAY. Who the hell does he think he is, to insult the entire nation and call them imfucuta? Jealous In other words, politics in Swaziland is for the educated and those women who wear skirts? This man is just jealous. He envies the lady’s potential. We know from his constituency, he will not make it. That is why he is throwing a tantrum. List In conclusion, the elections in Swaziland are for all Swazi people; educated or uneducated, clever or simple, disabled or able, married or unmarried, widow or a widower the list goes on, only if they are Swazis. John Major and President Jacob Zuma are leaders who would not have made it in Qalakaliboli’s world. Mbongiseni Ngwenya MANZINI