Times Of Swaziland: We need people eager to develop constituencies We need people eager to develop constituencies ================================================================================ The editor on 26/08/2013 23:15:00 Sir, I am a citizen of this country and also a supporter of our country’s system of governance. I believe we are lucky as a country to have such a system that allows the citizens to go out there and elect a person of their choice. This does not happen in other systems of governance where everybody can cast a vote and influence who goes to Parliament and who does not. I feel I should tell our beloved friends, brothers and sisters that it is time we do things in a serious manner. Swazis are jeopardising their chance of electing because we are failing dismally to elect good candidates. The qualifications of a person they elect at chiefdom level are: a person is supposed to be popular in the community; you have to be a full time church member and hold an influential position to name a few. Judging from the above it is clear that we still do not know or value the importance of nominating a candidate that is worthy. In our country we always elect uneducated individuals, who would not know where to start to influence the political sphere and in the end we will say we elected the wrong candidate. Let us be serious about our chiefdoms and our constituencies when we elect. Let us feel the pain of developing our country not just to do it for the sake of doing it. At Gege we need people who are eager to contribute to the progress of the constituency. We need people who know at the very least how the system operates. Some people are elected yet they don’t even know the number of government ministries; they don’t know the name of the economic planning minister. Now, why are we undermining ourselves by electing the wrong individuals? Are we serious about development? Let us benefit from electing the right people, let us benefit from our system. Let us make the system work and enjoy its fruits. Stop electing friends and relatives if they do not deserve the positions. The period of 5 years is not a joke if we failed to start on a proper note (electing wisely) let us go and vote and smile afterwards. We cannot afford to complain about the people we elect after this. Ronnie Colane Dlamini GEGE