Times Of Swaziland: AGOA IS NOW A BULLY’S STICK AGOA IS NOW A BULLY’S STICK ================================================================================ The editor on 23/03/2014 23:10:00 Sir, Allow me to vent. Who is it that brought AGOA to Africa, was it a way of enslaving us? We receive benefits and, as soon as these are now part and parcel of what we earn as a country - as soon as we have thousands depending on that little income that these factories bring - our security is threatened and our independence is threatened, never mind the livelihood of those mainly young women employed at these factories. I say this is rubbish. The USA is acting like a bully, they wish us to be destabilized so that we can continue to be beggars they can use and abuse at their leisure. Swaziland is a small country, a peaceful country; one could say the most peaceful in Africa. I suppose that is not to the liking of the USA, they prefer to see us up in arms killing each other like in numerous countries that have the ‘right’ democracy, the one that suits the USA. When we held our elections, did any of the observers say they were not free and fair? Are our candidates not sitting in Parliament because they were voted into office? Yes, we do not have a multi-party dispensation, but that is what we want; a no-party dispensation. By all means, let PUDEMO and company be a party, but don’t make them sit as a bloc so they can dictate who should be MP and who should get what tender, like in South Africa. We might elect fools at times but it is our democratic right - they are our fools. As for those laws that the USA doesn’t like, please! I know for a fact that in the USA you need permission to march and unions are centrally controlled by a type of Mafia. If the members go wild, which they like to do upon instigation by the leadership, it makes for better news. So, yes, the unions should be liable; if they want to march they must make sure they have proper marshals who control the marchers, both members and non-union, we cannot be terrorised by marching hooligans in the name of freedom of speech. I believe it’s time the people of Swaziland tell these Imperialists where to get off. We need to be treated with respect. We are an independent country and do not need to be given a leash, even one coated with honey called AGOA. Dumisani Hlophe, Manzini