Times Of Swaziland: OPEN LETTER TO KWALUSENI MP OPEN LETTER TO KWALUSENI MP ================================================================================ The editor on 25/03/2014 04:25:00 Sir, Thank you very much for allowing me space in your newspaper. I am writing to you following the hard conditions we live in at Kwaluseni in as far as the roads are concerned. The last time I saw something happening with the Kwaluseni roads was towards the end of last term’s Parliament; I am not so sure if it was a strategy for us to vote or what. Mr Editor, we live under impossible conditions at Kwaluseni; you should take a tour yourself and see what I am talking about. I am not so sure whether to refer to them as ‘roads’ or what, and using the word ‘potholes’ will be an understatement. In short, we do not have roads. The last time we saw our MP was during the elections and he is not helping us in this regard. I was expecting him to take a tour around his constituency and see the conditions himself so that he can have a proper plan to deal with all the challenges that we are faced with. We drive our cars over huge potholes, and when it’s raining people walk through ‘dams’, yet we are so close to town. This is painful, Mr Editor. We are expecting our MP to talk to the relevant people in the Ministry of Works to attend to our roads; we are not asking this but we demand it from all the relevant stakeholders concerned. This is painting a bad image of our system of government. People begin to hate it more so because they don’t see the benefits that come with the system. We elect people with the hope that they will always make our welfare their first priority, but it’s not happening; some MPs seem more concerned about their wallets. Every citizen of this country has a right to decent access to roads. This goes for other parts of the country as well. I will always remember the words of a friend of mine who lives in South Africa, I had gone to pick him up at the Matsamo Border Post and we decided to drive via Zibonele in the northern Hhohho and my friend said, “20 years ago I came to this place and nothing has changed. Do you guys have a government?” Sir, I hope our MP is reading this and will act immediately, because if he doesn’t people will then become more active in demanding their rights be met. Mcolisi