Times Of Swaziland: MBABANE CITY COUNCIL NEEDS INVESTIGATION MBABANE CITY COUNCIL NEEDS INVESTIGATION ================================================================================ The editor on 25/03/2014 21:37:00 Sir, Further to the letter written by a concerned rate-payer published in the Times of Swaziland, dated March 11, 2014, I would also like to voice my dissatisfaction with the non-existent service provided by the Mbabane City Council. This is the same organisation which was recently bragging about the number of dogs they shot for posing a safety risk to pedestrians, but have done sweet nothing to address the issue of missing manhole covers all around the city, pavements which are overgrown with grass or the pathetic state of the roads; all of which pose safety risks to both pedestrians and motorists alike. Unemployment I am not implying that they should not take action against stray dogs (although in First World countries, stray dogs are taken to animal shelters, not shot), but if ratepayers are paying the price for the high unemployment rate in Swaziland by providing the city council employees with jobs, then why is the overgrown grass not cleared from the pavements? Is there a need for expensive materials and equipment to remove the grass or are the city council employees being paid for nothing? Another issue I have is the story of some roads within the city being under the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. In my area there are no pavements and no streetlights and when I requested the City Council to do something about the huge potholes in the road, I was simply told to refer my correspondence to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport because they are responsible for the roads and not the City Council! Charity So, my question is; what am I paying rates for? Am I now a First World Hollywood celebrity with lots of cash to throw around for charity by creating jobs for needy city council employees? Where is the Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the operations at the Mbabane City Council? Swazi citizen, Mbabane