Times Of Swaziland: Teacher, pupil in lesbian affair Teacher, pupil in lesbian affair ================================================================================ TIMES REPORTER on 16/11/2009 00:00:00 MBABANE – Minister of Education Wilson Nsthangase has more to worry about when it comes to teacher-pupil love relationships. The Times has since uncovered that the trend that has all along been common with male teachers and young school girls also exists in its lesbian form. A high school bi-sexual female teacher has confessed to being involved in a lesbian relationship with a pupil from the same school studying in Form Four for over a year. The secret love affair had to come to an end in August when pictures of the science teacher and the pupil kissing were found on the teacher’s cell phone by the pupil’s brother. Apologise The teacher has since been forced to apologise or risk being reported to the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) by the girl’s angry parents. The teacher says she agreed to apologise. The matter has been spoken in hushed tones in the community and both the names of the pupil and the teacher are known to the Times, but will not be revealed due to the sensitivity of the matter. However, in separate interviews, they both confirmed the matter. The teacher *Rose said she was still at the University of Swaziland when *Lovey became her best friend in 2007 before later falling in love with her last year. Their friendship was known in their home area so much that the pupil’s parents trusted Rose and approached her to help their child with her studies. Their friendship of about two years took a turn in August last year when Lovey proposed love to her and this was also confirmed by the pupil during an interview. Proposed “In my past relationships with females, I have always been the ‘man’, but in this case I was the woman since she had proposed first,” said the teacher. For both women it was not their first relationships with the same sex though previously they dated males. Rose said at the pupil’s homestead they knew her as a friend until she was posted at the same school where Lovey is a pupil. “It was tough being a teacher to her as my lover but since I was desperate for a job I could not leave the school,” she said. She revealed that they would mostly meet after school as lovers. Asked how the matter became exposed, she said the pupils and parents became suspicious especially one of the pupil’s brothers. She said the brother heard people asking why she was never seen with a boyfriend around her home area and some of the gossiping people alleged that she could be abusing his sister (pupil). The brother is said to have then investigated the matter until he discovered the pictures. When Lovey was called on the matter she said she did not regret proposing love to the teacher because then she was a University student and she also did not know that she would be posted at the same school some day. *Not real names. Pupil, teacher forced to come ut of the closet MBABANE – In a bid to save her job, the bi-sexual teacher had to confess to her family about the affair before going to apologise to the girl’s parents. The pupil’s mother had threatened to expose her to the school principal and the Ministry of Education if she did not apologise. “No one at home knew that I was a lesbian and following the incident I was forced to approach my brothers and tell them all about my sexuality. Difficult “They accompanied me to Lovey’s parents and she was able to apologise even though it was difficult,” she said. The pupil said; “this was one of the worst days in my life as I had to declare my sexuality which was very difficult to tell my family. “Following my declaration, my family told me that I was going to give the family a bad name in the community, and they said we stop the affair immediately.” Lovey revealed that she was told to finish school and then leave her home to continue with whatever she wanted to do with her life.