Times Of Swaziland: SCCOM OPENS BIDS, FINDS ALL IN ORDER SCCOM OPENS BIDS, FINDS ALL IN ORDER ================================================================================ BY THEMBA ZWANE on 01/11/2016 08:59:00 MBABANE – South African mobile giants Vodacom and Cell C have shown no interest in investing in the country’s mobile telephony industry as four companies showed interest in competing with Swazi MTN and SPTC. This is illustrated by that, of the four companies that submitted their bids to the Swaziland Communications Commission (SCCOM), none originated from South Africa. The companies included Swazi Mobile, Data Networks, Mauritius Telecom Orange and Viettel Group from Vietnam. The fact that these companies are interested in venturing in the country’s mobile telephony space was made known to the public yesterday when SCCOM opened the bids submitted by the prospective operators. The opening of the bids is a preliminary stage of the licence application process. During the opening of the bids, conducted at SCCOM offices housed at Sibekelo Building yesterday, Swazi Mobile was represented by Victor Gamedze, Mauritius Telecom Orange by Jason Ning among others, while Viettel Group from Vietnam was represented by Nguyen Phuong Thao. The name of the representative of Data Networks could not be established as he left before the process was completed. These companies seek to enter an industry that was previously dominated by MTN Swaziland which for over a decade, operated under a monopolistic environment. However, recent developments in the industry have seen the Swaziland Post and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC) being awarded the country’s second mobile telephony services licence. During the proceedings, Sicelo Simelane, the commisison’s Secretary to the Board, GM Legal and Compliance Ozzie Thakatha and acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lindiwe Malaza, administered opening of the bids, starting with the one submitted by Data Networks. The second bid was that for Mauritius Telecom Orange followed by Swazi Mobile and Viettel Group’s bid was the last to be opened. Representatives of the telecommunications companies were invited to monitor proceedings. In addition, an independent auditor from Kobla Quashie Consultants was also invited to ensure transparency and fairness in opening of the bids.