Times Of Swaziland: INDVUNA GETS DEATH THREATS AFTER RECRUITS EXPELLED INDVUNA GETS DEATH THREATS AFTER RECRUITS EXPELLED ================================================================================ BY ZWELIHLE SUKATI on 29/04/2017 11:00:00 MBABANE – When he initially protested against what he deemed unfair treatment of people under his constituency, Lobamba Constituency Headman didn’t anticipate that this could threaten his life. Following the expulsion of at least 40 recruits from the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force (USDF) Infantry School at Mbuluzi on Thursday, the headman, Anthony Bhembe is said to be frantic after receiving calls from anonymous people. The said callers are said to be accusing him of having had a hand in the expulsion of the recruits from the infantry school. The 40 recruits are said to have failed to prove that they used the legal route into the military in the recent nationwide recruitment exercise. Bhembe is not taking the threats lightly as by yesterday morning he was contemplating going into hiding until the threats have been dealt with by the police. By yesterday morning, even before Bhembe could have seen the newspapers, he had received at least three calls from anonymous people, accusing him of having cost them their jobs in the army. He doesn’t know whether these are some of the expelled recruits or other people using this as an excuse to get at him for whatever reason. Bhembe’s sin is that the Lobamba constituency filed a complaint with the army, wherein they suspected corruption on the part of recruiting officers at their area. It was alleged that the army brought with them candidates who posed as residents of Lobamba Royal Kraal (Umphakatsi) during the recruitment exercise at the constituency. However, the Lobamba umphakatsi is said to have disowned them but despite the objections by the community’s representatives, the army personnel overruled them and ordered that the exercise continues, with the allegedly unknown candidates taking part. The constituency committee monitoring the recruitment cried foul and after the indvuna yenkhudla had triple checked and found that the winners were not from the constituency, the matter was reported to the army headquarters. The Lobamba Constituency, including Chief Mafohla, went to report the anomaly in protest against the recruitment. A letter objecting to the recruitment under the Lobamba constituency was written to the army superiors and the story was published in the Times daily. This was in February. “I just received reports this morning that the Lobamba Indvuna Yekhundla is shaken and fears going home or be seen driving around in his car because some people have been calling and accusing him of having a hand in their dismissal from the army,” said concerned members of the constituency yesterday.