Times Of Swaziland: WITNESS TOLD ‘S’CHAZA’, WIFE OF MURDER PLOT – STATE WITNESS TOLD ‘S’CHAZA’, WIFE OF MURDER PLOT – STATE ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 20/06/2017 01:35:00 MBABANE – ‘The late Schaza’s wife knew her husband would be killed’. This was disclosed by the Crown, which further claimed that besides the evidence of police officer Ngcebo Vermaak there was overwhelming evidence against the suspect Lucky ‘Obama’ Matsenjwa. Senior Crown Counsel Ncam’sile Masuku mentioned that the other evidence showed that one of the witnesses in the murder of Mduduzi ‘S’chaza’ Matsebula overheard certain people talking about Matsenjwa’s plan to kill him (Matsebula). “The witness went straight to tell the deceased and his wife about Matsenjwa’s plan to kill Matsebula,” submitted the Crown. According to the Crown, this witness was not surprised when she heard that ‘S’chaza’ was missing. It was further the Crown’s submissions that in view of all the above evidence, it could not be said that it was clutching straws that Matsenjwa committed the offence. The Crown argued that evidence further showed that the witness (Verimaak) called ‘S’chaza’ out of his house where he was already asleep with his wife. It was disclosed that since the deceased had no transport to go where Matsenjwa and the witness were, the witness told Matsebula that a taxi would fetch him. However, Matsenjwa is reported to have told the witness to tell ‘S’chaza’ that there was a black Citi Golf that was going to collect him. Matsenjwa allegedly made a call to that effect. “The above is direct evidence as to who requested the deceased to come to Solani’s and on whose instructions. As to what happened after the deceased was taken out from his house is circumstantial,” submitted the Crown.