Times Of Swaziland: ALLEGED SERIAL RAPIST SLITS OWN THROAT IN CELL, CRITICAL ALLEGED SERIAL RAPIST SLITS OWN THROAT IN CELL, CRITICAL ================================================================================ BY PHUMELELE MKHONTA on 07/07/2017 04:33:00 MBABANE – A suspected serial rapist from Hlatikhulu has been admitted to the Mbabane Government Hospital after he slit his throat inside a cell at Bhunya Police Station cells. Mbuso Mamba (31) committed the act after he was apprehended at Malkerns. Mamba, who had been on the run for some time, was found by fire rangers who patrol and safeguard the forests. He attempted to kill himself at the police station after he was arrested for a litany of rape and attempted murder charges, among many others. The rape suspect was wanted for a total of 23 counts, mainly rape, which were allegedly committed in different areas. Other crimes he was wanted for included rape, attempted murder, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, indecent assault and break-ins. He attempted to end his life just after he was ushered into the police holding cells at the police station. It was gathered that Mamba broke the window of his cell and used broken glass to slice his throat open. He was saved by two police officers who were on duty at the time the prime rape suspect was brought in. Sources revealed that Mamba was in a dreary situation when he was found by fire rangers in the forest. He was allegedly dirty and stinking from the low hygienic environment he was residing in while on the run. He also wore torn clothes which hung on him due to dehydration and hunger.