Times Of Swaziland: 50 COWS FOR PRINCESS’S HAND IN MARRIAGE 50 COWS FOR PRINCESS’S HAND IN MARRIAGE ================================================================================ BY NOSIPHO SHONGWE on 30/07/2017 10:25:00 MBABANE – Community members under an Umphakatsi in the northern Hhohho region have been asked to contribute cattle to assist one of their male members who is faced with the monumental task of asking for the hand in marriage of one of His Majesty King Mswati III’s daughters. Highly confidential information that has been shared with the Times SUNDAY by senior sources within the Umphakatsi has unearthed that the man is preparing to present a herd of 50 cattle when asking for the princess’s hand in marriage (kucela). Usually, a man will approach the father of the woman he has chosen to marry and ask him for permission to marry the daughter. If the father agrees, then the man can go ahead and propose to the woman he has chosen and later marry her after the blessings of the entire family. Asking for a woman’s hand in marriage before proposing to her is an old tradition that displays the respect the groom has for his girlfriend’s parents. This platform also allows the man to learn more about the woman. Information reaching this publication is that the love-smitten wannabe groom long informed the elders of his community about his intention to marry the princess, dating as far back as 2014. Senior sources further told the Times SUNDAY that he seems to have gained favour with his chief, who then made it his personal project, through the help of elders of the umphakatsi’s inner council (Bandlancane), that was then tasked with ensuring that the man’s dream becomes a reality. In an interview on Wednesday, a relative of the potential royal family groom, who was found at the family homestead, disclosed that a meeting was recently held at the local Inkhundla (Constituency) Centre where the main agenda was to report back to the community members on the advanced preparations to go and ask for the princess’s hand in marriage. “Two weeks ago, the chief called a meeting and informed the community that the matter had gained momentum and that 50 cows would be taken to Ludzidzini to ask for the princess’ hand in marriage,” the relative divulged. Those who attended the meeting have attested to the fact that the potential groom was present during the gathering and was instructed to stand before the entire community where he was formally introduced. Similarly, the area’s indvuna also confirmed the fact that a community member was set to ask for the royal princess’s hand in marriage, soon. He said the negotiations were so difficult such that they had almost given up on the dream of having the royal princess as one of the area’s daughters.