Times Of Swaziland: A REAL PUBLIC DISPLAY OF ANGER A REAL PUBLIC DISPLAY OF ANGER ================================================================================ BY JABULISA DLAMINI on 31/07/2017 08:56:00 MANZINI – A self-proclaimed bishop resorted to public display in showing his frustration over a lawyer he alleged swindled him some money. Bishop Mfanukhona Dlamini of Dvokolwako, spray-painted his car and demanded to make a court appearance. He had also layered himself in a sack with all sorts of inscriptions about his issue with the attorney. The bishop’s car, a brownish Chevrolet sedan, was covered in red inscriptions while he wore a sack, which was also engraved with unpalatable messages directed to whoever wanted to read them about the attorney. He stormed the Manzini Magistrates Court and demanded to see magistrates and public prosecutors on Friday. Employees at the magistrates court and members of the public rushed to the parking lot after noticing the sedan, which had been parked at the main parking bay, spray-painted in red. Shocked members of the public were heard asking why the car had been painted and some even took pictures of the vehicle. Dlamini was shouting at the top of his voice, stating that he was pained by the treatment he got from the attorney. He said he painted his vehicle in order for the court to realise the seriousness of the matter and his pain. “Angimunandzi nga *Dlamini. Wacala nini atsatsa timali tami nyalo utsetse nemoto usafuna lenye futsi imali. Utsi kute langiyositakala khona, angiphelekubhadala,” - loosely translated, I am aggrieved over *Dlamini. He started a while ago, demanding money from me, even now he still wants more money and informs me no one would ever assist me.’ Some of what he was saying was also inscribed on his vehicle. Also written were amounts from E1 500 to the E16 000 the attorney is now allegedly demanding for the release of Dlamini’s motor vehicle, a Colt van. Other messages spray-painted on the car cannot be repeated due to their defamatory nature. The name of the lawyer will not be revealed as the allegations against him are yet to be proven in court.