Times Of Swaziland: FAMILY SCREAMS MURDER AS MISSING GOGO FOUND DEAD FAMILY SCREAMS MURDER AS MISSING GOGO FOUND DEAD ================================================================================ BY SIBUSISO ZWANE on 04/08/2017 04:32:00 MASUNDVWINI – Murdered and dumped is what the family of 73-year-old gogo Annah Rebecca Mdluli believe happened to the elderly woman. Mdluli had gone missing about a week ago and her body was found dumped near a thicket with tall grass along a stream. Mdluli was discovered by a group of about 50 police officers, family members and community members who formed a search party at Masundvwini. Her body had not yet shown signs of being decomposed and she had the same clothes which she disappeared wearing on. She was barefoot, wearing a blue dress and grey skirt underneath, short hair and uncovered head. An impeccable source said her body was examined at the scene but it did not have any visible bruises. The deceased’s firstborn daughter, Julia, said considering the state of her mother’s health, who was sickly and could not properly walk, she could not have travelled all the way through the bumpy and overgrown field. “That is why we are convinced she was dumped supposedly after being murdered.” She said another aspect was that the well-trained police sniffer dogs, which were roped in the search, did not go towards the direction where her body was found. She said the detection dogs smelled her scent from her house and followed it to the houses she went to before leaving her home and followed it until it vanished near Masundvwini Primary School bus stop, a place which is on the opposite direction to where she had been discovered. Again, she said when interpreting the sniffer dogs’ signs, the police said she was taken by a car at the spot where the detection mongrels lost her scent.