Times Of Swaziland: COPS POUNCE ON PUPILS’ DRINKING SPREE COPS POUNCE ON PUPILS’ DRINKING SPREE ================================================================================ BY ZWELIHLE SUKATI on 19/08/2017 16:17:00 MBABANE – When the cat is away, the mice will play. This adage rang true for a group of close to 20 pupils who threw a mega house party, as per an invite from a friend whose parents were not home. Alcohol flowed like the Nile River, according to a witness who described yesterday’s scene as chaotic. The pupils from one of the popular schools in the capital city came in a Toyota Quantum and were in a very excited mood. They reportedly entered the friend’s house and partied hard, such that one would have mistaken the house for the nearby watering hall at Checkers. Patrons of the nearby drinking spot watched in awe as the pupils partied all day, from around 10am, until the police came to spoil things for the already drunken male and females pupils. Festival “The yard resembled a youth college festival yet these were high school pupils,” said an eyewitness to the events as they unfolded. So serious was the drinking binge that the school’s head teacher even arrived after she was alerted of what was taking place in that house, as both boys and girls were reported dead drunk without a care in the world. Onlookers are said to have expressed concern as to what else was taking place inside that house. The activity outside the house, which is by the roadside, was a shadow of what was taking place inside. What sold out the pupils from what was their definition of fun was when one girl was discovered to be dead drunk by her father after she decided to go home, leaving her peers behind in the late afternoon. Her parents are said to have given their daughter a good hiding for coming home drunk and demanded answers as to where she got all the alcohol that led her to such a drunken stupor. During the beating, she is said to have opened up and led her parents to the house. “The parents were dismayed when they were led by their daughter to the house. Bakhandza kuyi-chaos,” narrated another of the witnesses. That was when the school’s head teacher was called, as well as the police. The police arrived in a kombi and van and rounded up everyone and took them to the Mbabane Police Station. It was after 4.30pm when the pupils were dropped at the police station, alighting from the police van. They carried their backpacks and also in their possession was a blue drum, believed to have been carrying some of their beverages. They were not in school uniform though.