Times Of Swaziland: E146 000 STOKVEL THEFT: HUSBAND, WIFE ARRESTED E146 000 STOKVEL THEFT: HUSBAND, WIFE ARRESTED ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 19/09/2017 03:57:00 MBABANE – During weddings, couples promise to be there for each other for better, worse, in sickness and in health, but this couple allegedly added one more element, which is crime. The married couple of Manjengeni in the Lubombo Region has been arrested for allegedly robbing a stokvel of over E146 000. A stokvel is a traditional savings scheme in which members contribute a fixed amount of money to a common pool weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Members would receive the lump sum on a rotational basis, and they are free to use the money for any purpose. Stephen Majahonkhe Hlawe and Futhi Sanele Malindzisa are alleged to have used a firearm to induce submission from the members of the stokvel, where the latter is also a member of the saving scheme. They have been slapped with 12 charges of robbery and of being found in possession of a firearm with live rounds of ammunition. It is alleged that Hlawe and his wife orchestrated the robbery as they had all the information about the stokvels operations. On the day of the incident, the members of the stokvel had met at a certain homestead within the area for purposes of sharing dividends. Upon arrival at the homestead, the suspects allegedly fired a gun to induce submission among the members of the stokvel. The suspects, who were reportedly in the company of Sipho Owen Mkhabela and Lucky Masilela, did not only allegedly take the cash but are reported to have also robbed the women (members) of their cellphones which numbered 11. Futhi, who was already at the homestead where the money was to be distributed, claimed to have been unaware of the planned robbery.