Times Of Swaziland: TEACHER DEMANDS A BABY BOY FROM GOVT TEACHER DEMANDS A BABY BOY FROM GOVT ================================================================================ JOSEPH ZULU on 29/09/2017 09:33:00 PIGG’S PEAK – Government has found itself facing a rather unusual demand for compensation; a son. This comes after a teacher and his wife lost their only son two hours after birth at the Pigg’s Peak Government Hospital in August 2015. They are blaming the government health institution for their son’s death, though this allegation is yet to be verified as the Ministry of Health is still investigating the matter and no one has been charged or arrested. The couple, that has two daughters, was apparently ecstatic when they found out that their newborn child was a boy, only to have his life cut short before his parents could watch him grow. As it is, the couple now wants government to compensate them, not with money, but through ensuring that the wife undergoes the In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) process and guarantee that the child will be a boy. The teacher, Goodwill Simelane, still carries with him a picture of his newborn son who only lived for a few hours. He mentioned that he was no longer bitter regarding the circumstances surrounding his son’s death at the health institution. Most of what allegedly happened cannot be printed because the allegations are yet to be proven. All Simelane could say was that negligence led to his son’s death. The incident is a subject of investigation by the Ministry of Health, though some nurses are said to be unhappy about it and are accusing the ministry of harassment. They are wondering why the matter was not investigated at the time that it happened two years ago. Simelane said his family did not hold any grudges against the hospital but all they wanted was for government to help them get a baby boy using the IVF process.