Times Of Swaziland: DIVORCED MAN DEMANDS 51 CATTLE FROM EX-WIFE DIVORCED MAN DEMANDS 51 CATTLE FROM EX-WIFE ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 18/12/2017 08:52:00 MBABANE – Hardly four months after being divorced by his wife, a businessman has returned to demand 51 cattle from the former. In the event his former wife and her family fail to refund him the cattle, the businessman, Fundie Daniel Dlamini, wants the court to direct them to pay him E550 000. Dlamini of Kwaluseni has since instituted legal proceedings at the High Court against his former wife Bonani Veronica Sikhondze and her elder brother Rabo Sikhondze. In his particulars of claim, Dlamini stated that he was married to Bonani in terms of Swazi Law and Custom on September 30, 2000. He mentioned that the marriage between them was dissolved by the High Court at his former wife’s insistence on August 18, 2017. According to Dlamini, he had paid a herd of six cattle as lobola (bride price) to the Sikhondze family. The businessman alleged that the herd consisted of four female and two male cattle. He told the court that the cattle were accepted by Rabo as the head of the Sikhondze family and on its behalf. “In terms of the Swazi Law and Custom on the dissolution of the marriage at the instance of the wife, the latter was obliged to refund the man the cattle together with progeny which had been paid as dowry or lobola,” submitted the businessman. Dlamini averred that it was common cause or knowledge that under normal circumstances, a cow gave birth at least once per year and that at least three of the cows gave birth to two female heifers and they in turn gave birth to at least two female heifers. “In the circumstances and over 17 years, the cattle would therefore have multiplied and are now 51 in number,” submitted Dlamini. These are allegations contained in particulars of claim filed by Dlamini whose veracity is still to be tested in court and his former wife and her family are yet to file their papers in the event they are opposing the claim. The businessman went on to inform the court that despite lawful demand, the defendants (former wife and her elder brother) had failed or refused to return the cattle together with the progeny. Bonani and her brother Rabo have been given 21 days to file their papers in the event they were opposing the application. They were further informed that in the event they wanted to file and serve the notice, a judgment as claimed might be given against them without further notice. The order declaring the Swazi Law and Custom marriage between Dlamini and his former wife dissolved was issued by Judge Mzwandile Fakudze on August 18, 2017. Judge Fakudze also directed the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths (BMDs) to expunge from the records the entry relating to the marriage between Dlamini and Bonani. The court further directed that a property situated at Zakhele Township in Manzini should be registered in the name of Bonani at the Deeds Office. The current matter is still pending in court and appearing for the businessman are lawyers from Malinga and Malinga law firm in Manzini. In an almost similar case, Swartz Manyeva Dlamini, who is a teacher, is demanding 24 cattle from his former wife Ruth Thembisile Sibiya after she allegedly deceived him that she was a virgin. In his application, Swartz claimed that Sibiya lied that her gaining weight was due to excitement about the marriage. He claimed that she did this with the full knowledge that she was impregnated by another man.