Times Of Swaziland: DROPPED STUN-GRENADE CAUSES PANIC DROPPED STUN-GRENADE CAUSES PANIC ================================================================================ BY ZWELAKHE MOAHLOLI on 14/04/2018 10:34:00 MBABANE – The slogan, ‘an injury to one is an injury to all’ came true when a protester was injured during a confrontation with the police. This was during the protest march organised by the TUCOSWA to deliver petitions to the Prime Minister office and to nine different ministries, yesterday. TUCOSWA stands for the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland. The protester, Nsika Magagula, a teacher by profession, was injured on the back of his left thigh after a stun-grenade exploded when it accidently slipped from a police officer’s grip. A few seconds after the explosion was heard, people screamed and ran for cover, some thinking the police were firing at them. However, a section of the approximately 2 000 protesters regrouped and confronted the heavily armed officers who were clad in riot gear. Some were shouting, “nisidubulelani? (Why are you shooting at us?), while advancing to the officers. In the background, a group of about 50 protesters were singing, “sicela nisibambele naba labaphetse tibhamu.” Spoiling The protestors who had confronted the officers seemed to be spoiling for a fight as they manhandled the men in blue who were also well prepared for any confrontation. There was an exchange of unpalatable words, with the marchers demanding to have an audience with the officer who detonated the explosive. Even the intervention of political legend, Mphandlana Shongwe could not save the situation. Shongwe eventually, left the fighting group to join other protestors who had marched on to the Ministry of Finance. Magagula, a teacher at Madlangempisi High School, had sympathisers who assured him that they were prepared to die for him. True to their words, they stayed with him until an ambulance arrived and took him to an unspecified health centre. Earlier, two senior police officers, identified as Masango and Bhembe were manhandled while trying to negotiate with the leadership of the union at the intersection of Gwamile and Mdada Streets. The officers were talking to the leadership, which was on board a van addressing the crowd. In fact, they had wanted to inform the leaders about the routes to be used by the marchers. “Sukani la (Move away from here),” some of the protestors were overheard while shoving the officers away from the vehicle. Some of the union members struck the officers with open hands on their backs as they walked away. TUCOSWA Secretary General Mduduzi Gina pleaded with his people to refrain from manhandling the officers.