Times Of Swaziland: I WAS OFFERED CATTLE BRIBE BY RUSTLERS – MAGISTRATE I WAS OFFERED CATTLE BRIBE BY RUSTLERS – MAGISTRATE ================================================================================ BY JOSEPH ZULU on 23/04/2018 00:00:00 PIGG’S PEAK – Principal Magistrate Joe Gumedze has attested that one cannot have a successful law career without being tempted to receive a bribe. Speaking to about 16 law students who attended his court session, Gumedze said criminals sometimes offered bribes to judicial officers so that the court cases could be swayed in their favour. The students were from the University of Swaziland (UNISWA). Gumedze revealed how he was once offered four cows by cattle rustlers who told him that all he had to do was say yes and the beasts would be delivered with all the necessary documents such as agricultural permits. “I then told them to give me a million Emalangeni instead,” said Gumedze jestingly. Gumedze said he teased them that with E1 million, he could move to South Africa (SA) in case he was found out. The magistrate also jestingly said he had no doubt that the cattle he was offered may have probably been stolen as he was dealing with cattle rustlers. Gumedze said he turned down the offer and said he asked them for E1m as a way to make fun of the ordeal before turning it down. The magistrate told would-be lawyers that the only way they could attain success in their career is by maintaining a level of integrity. He told the students that it would be easy for them to establish themselves especially if they were tempted with bribes. The magistrate, who is a product of Lubombo Central High School, said he would be turning 60 years old next year, adding that he would soon be a retired magistrate. He said through the years, he had understood the importance of basing a career on integrity.