Times Of Swaziland: ‘SHERIFF’ LOCKS MUM, 2 KIDS IN FLAT FOR 6 DAYS ‘SHERIFF’ LOCKS MUM, 2 KIDS IN FLAT FOR 6 DAYS ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE AND THEMBINKOSI MAVIMBELA on 06/06/2018 04:00:00 MPOLONJENI – What was meant to be their place of comfort and happiness turned into a ‘holding cell’ for two children and their mother. This is the story of a Burundian family, which was allegedly locked-in for about six days in their rented three-room flat by a messenger of the court after defaulting rent payment last month. According to Jean Bosco, the head of the family, his two children, aged one and four years, were locked inside their house allegedly by a messenger of the court on May 29 after he could not pay rent. Bosco narrated the alleged degrading and inhumane treatment his family went through as they had to use buckets to relieve themselves in the house. The toilets within the compound are outside the house. He also narrated how he had to bring food for his family daily and give it to them allegedly through the window. According to Bosco, his family was eventually rescued after close to a week by police officers, who worked with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Narrating the ordeal, Bosco alleged that his rented flat was locked after he failed to settle his rent, which was slightly under E2 000. He alleged that their agreement with his landlord was that should he fail to pay the rent on time, he had to pay an extra 10 per cent interest. He failed to understand why such extreme measures had to be taken this time around as it had never been a challenge before. Bosco alleged that his family was locked in the flat while he was away attending training in Ezulwini. He stated that after he learnt that his family was locked in the rented flat, he reported the matter to the police, but was told to first ascertain whether his family was really locked in or not. He stated that he went to the rented flat to inspect if the reports were true, and he found that they were true. He said he also learnt that this was allegedly done by a messenger of the court, who was armed with a court order.