Times Of Swaziland: EEC HONOURS 84 FOR LONG SERVICE EEC HONOURS 84 FOR LONG SERVICE ================================================================================ Sthembile Hlatshwayo on 01/10/2018 08:49:00 EZULWINI - Their work exposed them to danger on a daily basis but they have endured and reaped the benefits for their long service. Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) honoured 84 of its employees with Long Service Awards at the Royal Swazi Convention Centre. Before the employees were honoured, Reverend Absalom Dlamini specifically elaborated on the issue of attitude which determined the behaviour, feelings and emotions of an employee. Dlamini also touched on the issue of positions, which he said were solely to serve people and not to make those holding the position boastful. “True leadership is not imposing your weight or status but directing people to their destination.” He said a good leader recognised his people and served them. According to Dlamini, motivation was a daily dose which is expected to be given to the employees. “If there is no motivation, there will be no service delivery,” Dlamini said. In relevance to the awards, his motivation was based on the biblical story where servants were rewarded according to their talents. He said one of the servants, who had one talent, decided not to use it but to keep it safe, while the others invested. Dlamini said the master said well done good servant to those who went and invested their talent. Which he said it was very scarce in most of the workplaces for superior to commend their employees. He said attitude mattered most in our lives especially at work where there were positive and negative mind-sets. “A positive attitude affects a person’s behaviour in a constructive way. Managing Director at EEC Meshack Kunene said they were honoured with the awards and prayer day for employees. Kunene said the issue of attitude needed to be fixed by both the employees and the managers. He said as a company they were very honoured to have employees who had served for many years. According to Kunene each time there was work done there were bound to be challenges, which is why they thanked God that they had managed to overcome all the challenges. Kunene said the job they did at EEC was not easy and it exposed employees to danger as they had to work with electricity even during rainy days. He said the awards were annual.