Times Of Swaziland: WAS LAWYER ROBBED OF HIS GUN AFTER KILLING HIMSELF? WAS LAWYER ROBBED OF HIS GUN AFTER KILLING HIMSELF? ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE AND THEMBINKOSI MAVIMBELA on 02/10/2018 04:45:00 MBABANE – Was senior lawyer Attorney Stanley Bongane Mnisi robbed in his death? Information has emerged that while his lifeless body lay on the ground, a man suspected to be from his neighbourhood took advantage of the situation and stole his firearm. This is believed to be the same firearm Mnisi allegedly used to end his life. Besides looking into more circumstances leading to his death, police are now investigating a case of robbery. Mnisi reportedly ended his life by shooting himself with his licensed firearm in the head last Friday while at his place of abode at Ngwane Park in Manzini. Reports are also to the effect that some of his valuables were stolen by the heartless thug who had the audacity to steal from a dead man before his corpse was even cold. The thief was spotted leaving the scene by one of the witnesses who had gone to ascertain what had happened after hearing the gunshot. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed that Mnisi’s gun was missing. Vilakati, during an interview, was asked whether police had any leads in the case, to which she responded to the affirmative. She said police were still investigating the matter and they were following up on potential leads. At the time of the interview, Vilakati could not confirm the type of gun that was used during the alleged suicide. Yesterday, this publication reported that Mnisi, who was a covenyancer, allegedly ended his life using a firearm while inside his house at Ngwane Park in Manzini. Mnisi, who was previously a partner in one of the reputable law firms in Mbabane, is said to have shot himself dead after a misunderstanding with a relative. “Besides the misunderstanding with the close relative, he was going through a lot,” said an impeccable source. According to another credible source, the lifeless body of the attorney was discovered by a neighbour, who had rushed to his house to investigate after hearing the sound of a gunshot. Mnisi, who was now operating his own law firm in Mbabane, recently hogged newspaper headlines after he was arrested for an alleged fraud. He was also on the list of 22 lawyers whom the attorney general wanted suspended for failing to comply with the Legal Practioners Act in that they allegedly failed to provide documents reflecting how they handle clients’ monies.