Times Of Swaziland: E20.8M EXIT PACKAGE FOR 56 EX-LEGISLATORS E20.8M EXIT PACKAGE FOR 56 EX-LEGISLATORS ================================================================================ BY SIBONGILE SUKATI on 09/10/2018 07:10:00 MBABANE – Government will have to part with at least E20.8 million next month as a payout to former legislators. This follows that 56 former legislators stand to pocket about E372 000 as their ex-gratia payment in accordance with the provisions of Finance Circular No.2 of 2013. The 56 former legislators are those who did not make it back to Parliament this term. According to the circular, the money is defined as a grant that is payable to former parliamentarians to assist with the costs of adjusting to non-parliamentary life. The total amount which is due to the outgoing legislators is E555 816 before tax. However, there are fears from certain quarters regarding the availability of the funds. “We are aware that government is currently broke. However, we are hopeful that a provision was made to cater for the ex-politicians’ exit packages,” said a source who wished to remain anonymous. This figure is made up from the once off payment that is equivalent to 12 months basic salary. The former Members of Parliament (MPs) earn a basic salary of E46 318 per month. However, after the 33 per cent tax deduction, the former lawmakers are expected to receive at least E372 396. However, it should be noted that the ex-gratia payment would only be available to all parliamentarians who failed to be re-elected or re-appointed into the new Parliament. This essentially means that about nine members of the House of Assembly will not be receiving the ex-gratia because they won the Secondary Elections. Among these are Ntfonjeni MP-elect Sifiso Magagula, Mpolonjeni MP-elect Jacob Siwela, Matsanjeni North MP-elect Phila Buthelezi and Lobamba Lomdzala MP-elect Marwick Khumalo. The rest are Maseyisini MP-elect Mduduzi Dlamini, Sigwe MP-elect David Ngcamphalala, Pigg’s Peak MP-elect Jabulani Mabuza, Maphalaleni’s Mabulala Maseko and Ntondozi MP-elect Moses Vilakati. One of the outgoing MPs, who was interviewed yesterday, confirmed that upon enquiry, they had been informed that they could be getting their payout in November 2018 and their last salary would be this month at the basic of E46 318. “The next process is that of the House electing the new Speaker, and the four women and the senators,” said the former MP. He said thereafter His Majesty King Mswati III was expected to release his list of 20 senators and thereafter announce who the next prime minister would be once Sibaya was summoned. The legislator said after emabandla and others commissions were put in place, including the entire government then they would receive their ex-gratia payment. It should be noted that the ex-gratia payment does not include other pension funds which the members may have been part of. The circular further states that in the event that a parliamentarian does not fully serve the five year term, the ex-gratia payment would be pro-rated taking into account the actual period served. “Under no circumstances will a part year served be considered as a full year,” reads the circular. It further states that should the parliamentarian be dismissed or removed from office due to misconduct or incompetence, the ex-gratia payment would be forfeited. Records do, however, reveal that all former MPs would receive their full payout. The same scenario will apply to former members of Senate once the entire chamber has been constituted.