Times Of Swaziland: MAN BURNS HIMSELF TO DEATH MAN BURNS HIMSELF TO DEATH ================================================================================ BY JOSEPH ZULU on 10/10/2018 07:33:00 PIGG’S PEAK – Among the most dreaded fears is being burnt alive, but for a 60-year-old man, this was his choice to escape from the planet. Mayaluka Mhlanga of Nyakatfo died tragically when he doused his mattress with paraffin and then set it alight. Mhlanga is said to have been suffering from an ailment for several years and he had been in and out of hospital, according to his sister Sisana. Sisana said Mhlanga kept wondering why he was not dying despite suffering for a very long time. She revealed that the situation worsened when his wife and children left him alone with his relatives. “It was so difficult for him that we had to ask neighbours to fetch him from the hospital,” she said. She revealed that Mhlanga had not been employed for a very long time and that in addition to his illness, he also suffered from depression. Sisana said the family often checked on Mhlanga during the night to ensure that he was fine. He is said to have been so sickly that he sometimes would become bedridden for a long time but would occasionally recover. Though recovering should have brought good news to Mhlangas, this is said to have angered him as he wanted to die due to his long suffering. Sisana said the absence of his wife worsened the situation because he kept asking when she would return. “We do not know where she is as we could not locate her,” said Sisana. She revealed that on Monday night, she went to check on Mhlanga only to discover that he was burning. Sisana said after realising that he was constantly suffering from the illness, he decided to end his life in the manner in which he did. The family was puzzled as to how he obtained the paraffin which he is said to have doused his mattress with and lit it so that he could die. “We are still shocked,” said Sisana. It is believed Mhlanga may have died as a result of suffocation as the fire from the paraffin slowly spread to the rest of his mattress. According to a close relative, Mhlanga had been sickly. His illness will not be revealed for ethical reasons but a family member disclosed that this could be the reason he may have decided to end his life after suffering for a long time.